Mattie121’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Invisible Children February 23, 2009

Filed under: #jb4520,Uncategorized — mattie121 @ 10:40 pm
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OK I am aware that normally I discuss hip new Eco-friendly trends, but I am changing course this week, and only this week, to discuss an organization called, “Invisible Children.” For extra credit in one of my poli-sci classes, my friend and I attended a seminar called “Invisible Children.” It’s a story about children living in Uganda who travel each night into their cities to sleep so they will not be kidnapped by the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army). Uganda is involved in a war between a man named Joesph Kony and the Uganda government. Kony is the leader of the LRA and terrorizes the countryside by kidnapping children and forcing the girls into sex slavery and the boys into the army. The boys are forced to kill and commit horrible crimes. If they do not, they are killed on the spot or worse they witness the death of a family member as punishment.

Three men, approximately 20 years old, discovered these children on a trip to Africa a few years ago. They were so shocked by the atrocities, they decided to come back to the U.S.  and make people aware of what was happening in Uganda. As a result millions of dollars have been donated and given to help rescue the children from the LRA. The men went back there a few months ago in hopes of a peace treaty that would end the violence but peace talks between Kony and the Uganda government failed again. As an act of revenge, Kony kidnapped and killed thousands last December, including on Christmas day.

“Invisible Children” is the name of the non-profit organization that is committed to ending this war and rescuing these children. The organization now has thousands of volunteers internationally and continues to raise money and awareness. On April 25, they are organizing an event to take place in cities across the world where people will sleep outside as a sign of protest of the treatment of children in Uganda.

I saw this video once a few years ago before they had raised the money and awareness, it broke my heart and made me evaluate my life and what was really important to me. Seeing the updated video this time and how far their organization has come made me so hopeful that these innocent children would soon be set free and could return to their families. I implore whoever reads this blog to join in the fight. Donate a little bit of money, sign up for the event, buy a t-shirt (they are awesome and I promise you would wear it) or just join the facebook group called, “Invisible Children,” not difficult. These children need help and the best way to do that is to help create the awareness.  I hope you do join the facebook group or contribute a little bit of money (yes, I am aware the economy is awful but a little bit goes along way) for more information you can go to:


2 Responses to “Invisible Children”

  1. rmk10 Says:

    I agree that Invisible Children is one of the most powerful documentaries that I have ever watched. For my French class, we watched the video in order to learn more about the Congo, but because my entire class was so moved, we’re hoping to show the documentary in a school-wide assembly. Thank you for helping spread their story! ( I wrote a post on the movie as well, albeit in French. Feel free to check it out…

  2. tiawharton Says:

    I can’t tell you how excited I am that someone wrote about this. I love people a whole lot. It is a life changing experience to see what those kids go through. Hope that you have made a difference in someone’s life in making awareness about the topic.

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